Saturday, November 28, 2009

Free interactive potty training success DVD

Even if it's still early to think about potty training for my daughter, I know that there are many moms out there thinking about it or even doing it.
Now you have a chance to get a Free DVD by mail from Pull Ups Brand if you go to this web page and submit your information.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nursery Water $1 off coupon

To make my daugter's bottle I use Nursery purified water. It is made with distilled water that is processed by steam distillation and then purified.
Nursery Water invites you to save $1 on four one-gallon bottles, or two 2.5 gallon bottles or two Multi-packs of Nursery® Water by printing out the coupon right from their web site

$1 off Baby Orajel

Baby Orajel is offering $1 off coupon that you can use towards any teething product. Go to their website to download your coupon today.